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Any item to be anodized requires reliable jigging. First to stop the components falling to the bottom of the anodizing tank and secondly so that the electrical current can safely pass from the jig to the work pieces. Anodizing jigs are usually made from Aluminum or Titanium. Aluminum jigs get anodized of course and have to be chemically stripped, the constant anodizing and stripping results in a short life and hence the use of Titanium which does not require stripping after the anodizing process. Titanium is far less conductive than Aluminum so that jig design, always very important, is critical. Contact points and therefore jig marks need to be larger than with Aluminum jigs to avoid contact burns during processing. TAF is developed the jigs to be made from many MOC like Titanium, Monel, Inconel, Copper, and Aluminum etc…
Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd.
Tiaano Bhavan, # 48, Noothanchery, Madambakkam, Chennai - 126, INDIA
Ph.: +91 94445 69900 / +91 91768 83999 HP: +91 73387 98832
Email: marketing@tiaano.com | tianode@gmail.com Web: www.tianode.com