hese Titanium Tufftriding pot used in Furnace to heat up the various type of Automobile Pistons & rings in Automobile Industries. The TUFFTRIDE process has been applied in a wide range of industries throughout the world for many decades. It is used to improve the wear resistance, the fatigue strength, and – in particular when combined with oxidative cooling – the corrosion resistance of components made from steel, cast iron, and sintered iron materials. In many cases, the TUFFTRIDE process is used as an alternative to other surface engineering processes such as case hardening, galvanic (e.g. hard chrome plating), and other coating processes (plastic coating, painting, laser coating, etc.), also plasma or gas nitro-carburizing with equally good or improved quality and greater economy. The components are placed in a heated salt bath where a reaction takes place between the salt melt and the surface of the components. During the reaction nitrogen and carbon are absorbed and diffused. It is operated in a pot made from special material, and the pot is fitted with an aeration device. The material is then scooped up with a ladle from the crucible (the pot that holds the molten material). The material is then allowed to cool. Furnace designs vary as to their function, heating duty, type of fuel, and method of introducing combustion air.
Titanium Tufftriding pots are made from Titanium, Tantalum, Nickel, Zirconium are our main focus. Recently we have supplied Tufftriding pot to one of our valuable customers and the product photo is attached below.

Ä Simplified operation.
Ä Special sizes available.
Ä Interchangeable with crucible or pot.
ü Fast, easy installation.
ü Minimum floor space.
ü Reduced operator fatigue results from the cooler shell and relatively quiet operation.
ü Exceptional thermal efficiency.
ü Less scrap and less melt loss due to minimizing temperature overshoot.
To know more details Please feel free to visit our website: - www.tianode.com
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